Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Animal Totems - Horse

Wearing the things made of different metals, wood, stones, gems and animal bone and claws has been a trend for a long time. From the ancient time the people have been using these things for many purposes. Animal totems are the stones curved the pictures and symbols on them. With the beautiful representation of the pictures of the animals, birds or some other things, these totems have the legendry effect for the people. It is hard to say what the exact mean these represent however the people have been wearing them for a long time as an ornament to have the spiritual and positive effect on them. Legends tell the means of the particular pictures of the animals or the symbol and join their effect to the men. Whatever the logic or effect of these articles is does not matter much because the beauty of these products attracts the people and inspire to wear them.

The use of Metal Rings also fulfills at least double purpose behind them. The first and foremost purpose of wearing these things is to ornament the body part in the positive way and the second reason of wearing the rings is to have a positive spiritual effect on the wearers.
Posted by Unknown On 05:42 No comments


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